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一、总结题 (考文章架构)

三类文章结构1 科技,思想,生物进化有时间的逻辑主线对应文献综述 2 原因a,b,c列举

3 不断反复已经提升的观点




二、表格题 (多项选择题) 做法见细节题

三、词汇题 (背配对表,词汇书,构词表) 15s内解决 1.认识→ 选项中沾边就可以

2.不认识→ 代入/ 完形填空 (先找上面) {注意逻辑关系:并列(and, or …)修辞(论据说明论点,下定义,段落结构,语法属性)} ;拆词法(前缀后缀)


1.若有两项意思相反的,必有一对一错。 2.定义句型必考:this is…/ that is… P20 It is…

As is defined/named/called/regarded as… Namely…

…which means… 3. 所有的however都是句子间的转折

四、指代题 (90%往上找,10%往下找) 1. 定义句型

} it 往后找 There be 表语从句

2. 找代词 it/ this/ that 单数; they/ these/ those 双数 3. 按逻辑找:

就近原则:找往前最先出现的名词;如果是从句的名词就找主句的名词;主句是代词就找主语或宾语。例外:如果代词出现在从句里面,就在从句里面找,eg: S , which S V O _that_ , V O, 句子中that指代从句O的内容。找到不是代词为止。


并列:From to

Between and/ not only…but also More than/less than Not but

One…another/ one…the other One/another…more over此外 The former…the latter… 上义词:对象征的名词的总结归纳

破折号当是插入语P25 7 For里面不会被选

五、简化句子题 主体 S+V+O 逻辑

强度 题目有情态动词might/must/could答案必须有 逻辑

一、因果关系:because(of), since, for, as, due to, owning to, in that, so, so that, as a result, therefore, thereby, consequently, accordingly

导致:lead to, cause, result, result in, give rise to, render引导,produce, make使得, support, stimulate, spur激发,spark 导致, fuel 刺激→stimulate刺激,激起, motivate, prompt激起, drive

由来:come from, result from, originate, derive from, initiate from, stem from, attribute to, be attributable to, responsive to

反应,体现:reflect, present, suggest, show, imply, illustrate 考虑到:given, considerate, on account of, in view of, thanks to, according to, depend on, rely on, resort to, in light of

条件关系:if/ when/ while/ as/ as soon as/ as long as/ 虚拟语气 Not强调/分词/不定式/独立主格


比较级:① 变化(少→多,无→有)change, vary改变, alter, modify, revise, increase, decrease, destroy, develop, improve, progress, advance, grow, degenerate退化, continue, stable, remain, stay, still

② 差异:same, different

③ 超越:over, excel, exceed, surpass, crossover

最高级和绝对化:---est, top, maximum, minimum, outstanding, extreme, eventually

三、否定+比较:nothing will be better than

程度高的词:surprisingly, amazingly, prohibitively


否定:not, none, never, neither, deny, fail to, absent from, lack/lack of, refuse, few/little, hardly 否定词缀

单一:only/ bare/ barely/ sole/ exclusively/ solely/ unique/ single/ merely

多样:two/ various/ varied/ variation/ variety/ different/ diversified变得多样化/ versatile 多功能的,万用的

六、细节题(出现频率最高一篇文章4-5题) 不超2分钟一题 正确选项的特征

重述: A重复描述(原封不动的搬下来) ①专业性强的词汇不会被描述

②逻辑关系的重复描述(eg: 比较)

错误选项的特征和设置方式 ① 无中生有 S+V+O (A)→(A+B) ② 偷换概念 S+V+O (A)→(B)

③ 逻辑扭曲 :因果倒置,正反颠倒,东拼西凑


解题步骤: 1 划关键词


可定位的关键词:大写字母(英语或阿拉伯数字),特殊疑问词,特殊标点(冒号,引号,破折号),特殊的副词和限定成分的形容词,介词短语(eg: under such discussion)

2 从题目的特殊疑问词确定往文章的上或下找答案

3 题目中有几个并列成分的要在文中找齐几个后再找答案,也可现在文章的主旨句找

4 文章先读主句再读从句

七、排除列举题 (细节题)


八、推理题 (细节题)infer、imply、suggest, support





九、修辞目的题(考逻辑目的)by showing that 总结,下定义,因果,论点与论据(such as),承接

表示相反的连接词:but, yet, nevertheless, instead of, rather than/ other than, A is different from B

表示顺承 ① 描写描述

② support 支持前面的关系


十、插入句子题 (注意逻辑关系词,起承转合) 断首:可能放主题句 ①定义句型支撑 ②抽象

段末:总结,也可能是主题句;也可能出现引出下一段的主题 中间:转折,比较,排比,顺接

技巧:见到代词要回读,方框后是代词多不选 听力


1 主旨题 --- 统领全文

A主要提问为:student mainly discuss…/ professor mainly discuss… B 在文章开始处有答案(主题) 在conversation中表现为学生的问题

在lecture中表现为professor的today I am going to talk something about… 或者是全文出现最多的专业术语

2 细节题 (每题出现2小题)

A 大致有三种问法:判断正误、问概念、多项选择 B 考点(听力中要十分注意的地方) a考关键词(陌生的概念,eg: OG P256)

当屏幕上出现某一术语时是考点,听其解释及定义 b文章结论评价 OG P153. 6

一般出现在lecture的结尾,so I think… Professor的态度:正,反,中立



当听到important/ because/ reason/…why…/result要注意,有可能出题

3 重听题 understanding of what it said A有可能出题的地方:

a 两人话语权交换处(即一问一答) b语气词(语气怪异或强调时) c内容与本文主题无关时 B解法:

a 如果是从一段中出一句话问,就总结那一段的段意答题 b 如果问一段话的意思,就全文的位置进行回答 c 一定要注意人物的语气



Conversation 听逻辑


学术问题讨论型通常是两个学生一男一女地就某一学科讨论--- 区分两到三个陌生学术概念----举例子说明

强调逻辑性,听的时候要抓住 1 问题主旨,即学生的问题 2 问题的细节(原因,特点) 3老师的解决办法,方案 4 学生的反驳

5 最终的处理方式(时,地,事重点)

Conversation的高频主题 1 询问作业 作业要求

作业步骤,先后顺序 难易程度的判断

2 询问课程

选课的计划,选多少,选哪些 教授对学生选课计划的担忧 最终是怎样选的,以及得分情况


3询问论文 选题,材料

论文得分的高低,通常是低的(too broad),缺点(老师的评价) 论文的进度,跟professor的具体要求 请求延期

4 考试

分数低,没有分数 分数是怎样组成的 怎么做

5 奖学金跟实习 提供材料

需要经历的程序,资历 判断可能性

6图书馆(找不到,借不到) Overdue过期了

罚款pay overdue fine 借书困难


找房子 on/ off campus

舍友问题 noisy --- 找advisor 进步了房 no key/ ID card 加试题

8 转校问题 名气reputation 班级的大小 学费tuition 位置location 9评价老师 听不懂问题 解释


10 放假plan

干什么? 旅游or实习 难题




Q: 某个成分在全文中的作用,或教授为什么举这个例子 A: 1 主题原则 2 就近原则

全文结构:开头介绍题目---提出陌生概念,现象---解释原因---举例(可能是反例)--- 分类比较--- 总结

五 内容关联题(表格题) 考大框架的细节 解法:从笔迹入手

First, second, third 记录最简单的词,把握全文信息


写作笔记 综合写作

1 两份材料间的反驳关系用语 Disagree with

Refute/ rebut 反驳,反证

Oppose/counter反对 (考试多用) Reject 彻底反对

Disapprove of/ object to/argue against Question/ doubt/cast doubt on质疑 Weaken/ undermine/challenge 削弱


Support、strengthen强化、exemplify证明,举例、illustrate、provide further evidence

3 转述的指称 reading The author The passage The reading The reading passage listening The The lecture The speech speaker/lecturer

4 某人认为

According to + noun

State/ claim/ point out/ argue

Suggest = indicate 暗示,指出,推测

Tell/ report/ explain/ conclude/ say/ mention/ admit/ quote/

5 however; on the other hand; in contrast; on the contrary 用于2,3,4段连接reading跟lecture之间的关系

6 although; even though; while; whereas 用于第一自然段连接两者关系

7 做题步骤

A 先读文章找出topic sentence 和author的态度support or oppose Topic sentence多在第一段的首句或末句,或第2段的首句

B 找出文章各个分论点(隐含于各段首末句)并简单列在稿纸上 C 仔细听lecture,听出其态度,并记录各个观点和例子 D 把两份材料结合比较写作

第一段:introduction 包括main topic 和reading and lecture各方所持的观点



第二段:key point1 + supporting information from the passage, 转折,+ key points 1 + supporting information from the lecture 第三段:…… 第四段:……

第五段:conclusion: the author believes that…while the lecture argues that…

8 模板 A

Both the author and the lecture talk about whether …… While the author supports…, the lecture holds an opposing idea.

In the first place, according to the author, …… However, the lecture points to its opposite side. She points out that……

In the second place, the author believes that…… In contrast, the lecturer refutes that…… Last but not least, the author says that…… On the contrary, the lecturer argues that…… In conclusion, the author believes that…… while the lecture argues that…… B

The points made in the lecture counter arguments made by points of the reading passage. The author concludes that 作者的中心观点。The lecture refutes the argument by claiming that演讲者的中心观点。

First, the lecture states that…… This undermines the reading’s claim that……

Second, the lecture argues that…… This challenges the reading’s statement that…… Third, the lecture says that…… this is contrary to the argument in the passage…… C

In this set of materials, the reading passage中心论点whereas the listening passage中心论点。The listening passage weakens the reading.

Firstly, it is said in the passage that…… However, the lecture suggests the opposite. The speaker says that……

Secondly, the passage indicates that…… In contrast, the lecture suggests otherwise. It says that……

Thirdly, the passage states that…… The lecture claims a different picture in this case as well. It argues that……

独立写作 (一定要审清楚题目) 二选一型

1 Do you agree or disagree?

2 defend an opinion

Present two points of view and asks you to choose one side to support 模板 A一边倒




What/which/why/how 直接想出idea


Advantages and disadvantages Compare and contrast 模板

整体式(利大于弊)/ (弊大于利)

第一段:引言(明确话题并给出主题句) 第二段:弊端/ 有利之处 第三段:有利之处一/ 弊端一 第四段:有利之处二/弊端二 第五段:结论

分点式 写法



Recently debates have been held to discuss whether a factory should be built in my

community. People holding supporting ideas believe that building a factory will boost the local economy and benefit the local people, while others argue that it will bring more harm than benefits. As far as I’m concerned, I oppose the plan because building a factory in our community will cause serious environmental problems.



Some people argue that teenager students should not take jobs because the job may

distract them from their concentration on study. Although it sounds reasonable, I disagree. Personally, I believe that teenagers should have jobs while they are still students because the job provides them with financial support, a sense of responsibility and practical experience.


In 1965, President LyndonB. Johnson said, “Art is a nation’s most precious heritage. For it is in our works of art that we reveal to ourselves and to others the inner vision which is in our works of art that we reveal to ourselves and to others the inner vision which guides us as a nation.” I agree that we should mandate the curriculum in art and music in


secondary school. Art and music are important to us in many ways. They provide

knowledge necessary for future jobs, entertain people in many ways, and help us to learn other types of knowledge.


1 topic sentence

2 说一两句道理(可解释n.) 3 举例说明,要体现道理


Conclusion (40-50字)

Step1 restate the thesis 重新阐述中心论点 Step2 summarize the topic sentences 归纳论据 Step3讨论话题的意义

Meaningful, valuable, important, insignificant, necessary, urgent, realistic, idealistic, prosperity, beautiful…



第一题:审题作出判断→做笔记并列出提纲 Top sentence主题句 Support1+论据

} 事件展开能力,不能太过琐碎,有不能太抽象 Support2+论据


一、人物类话题 (小人物和尊敬的人) Brother/sister/friend/parent…… 先概括年龄,外貌和内在

女:beautiful/ pretty/ graceful…… 男:sporty/ energetic/ active…… 内在:kind/nice/ honest……

Linker: first, second, so, finally, in conclusion

Topic:people who influence you 1 影响生活


2 影响学习

S1: He is very energetic and active.

When I was young, he always talked to me how to swim and bought me to the swim team……

So, today, swimming or watching swimming become my favorite interest.

S2: He studies in Yale U in the USA. And his major is……

He always tells me the interesting stories and experiences in the campus and share a lot of learning methods to me.

So I decide to go to the USA for my further education.


In my life, my aunt influences me very much. There are two aspects as following.

Firstly, she is very energetic and sporty. When I was young, she was a top tennis player and she always told me the interesting stories and experience about tennis. Five years ago, my aunt invited a local famous tennis coach to teach me how to play tennis. Well,

nowadays, playing tennis and watching tennis match become a very important part in my life.

Secondly, my aunt got tow master degrees in USA, and her major is education and accounting. Till today, she always shares the learning method and tells me many experiences in the university. So, I decide to study abroad for my further education. In conclusion, I was influenced by my aunt very much.


最尊敬的人——英语老师 1 patient

In the past, my English was very poor and always made the mistakes in the assignment. My English teacher was not angry with me and she corrected my mistakes again and again. So I have a great progress in my English. I thank her patience very much.

Secondly, my English teacher told me lots of stories and culture of the USA, especially the campus life. So I very look forward to studying in the USA.

Thirdly, my English teacher is a very positive woman. Last term, I broke my leg and have some fractures. I felt very sad. At this time, my English teacher came to me and

encouraged me. She told me that several inspiring stories. Because of her, I have enough encouragement to overcome the difficulties in my hard time. So, I respect my English teacher very much.

二、地方(travel/live/ want to go/ recommend …) A一律说北京

1 先介绍capital of China, large and beautiful

2 historical cites/ tourist attraction, such as the forbidden city, summer palace, and the great wall and so forth. Totally of them contains the special historical meaning. You can feel the Chinese culture. What is more, my major is researching Chinese history, so it is very helpful for me to visit there.


3 food. There are many delicious food in Beijing, so I want to have a taste. Also, there are many different kinds of restaurant in Beijing, you can choose any you would like.

上海的旅游景点:the bound 外滩、oriental pearl tower东方明珠塔、YU garden豫园、

City abroad——New York

1 different kinds of culture and many people speak different language. I can talk to them in English and improve my English; also, I have many opportunities to learn the other kinds of language, such as Spanish or French.

2 there are many famous universities there, such as New York U or Columbia U and so forth. When I was young, I very look forward to study in the USA, so if I have a chance to travel to New York, I would visit to those beautiful universities and do some research on them preparing to choose my future university.

B 放松地 relaxation and have a rest Home

My home is a very beautiful villa and has some advanced facilities.

1 I have a gym room in my house, and I for exercise there everyday when I get off work. Usually, I invite some private tutors to teach me Yuga or dance. After doing these exercises, I feel very relaxed.

2 In the weekend, I like to invite my friends to my home, some of my friends cooking the foods, some of them singing in the music room, and I feel very happy. Garden

I always go to the garden for relaxation.

1 There is many beautiful flowers and grasses in my garden. I like to plant the dragon eye trees and the roses there and I used to water them in the morning and night. I very enjoy this process, absorbing the fresh air.

2 Many times, there are some birds perching in the trees in my garden and they sing very beautiful. I like to sit on the wooden chair and watch those little birds and the blue sky, waiting the slight breeze caress my face. It is very relaxing and can reduce my working pressure.

三、事件活动activity English corner

S1: practice English, especially the oral English

In the past, my English was very poor. Then I go to the English corner, I met some foreigners and I talk to them activity. They are very kind to teach me how to pronounce and even correct me some grammar errors. So I have a great progress in speaking English. S2: expand our horizon/ improve our communication ability

In the past, I was a shy girl. Since I go to the English corner, I get some confident and become very easy to speak English in public situation. And I think this is very important for my career.

S3: there are many USA students in that English corner, and they usually share the interesting stories in the USA, especially the campus life. It drives me look forward to studying in the USA.



电子产品computer and cell phone

1 in the past days, we need to go to the library to find the reference books to finish our paper and we need to write it by hand. It wastes the time very much. Nowadays, since the computer spread in our life, we can easily search the material on the internet assisting us to finish our paper and we use some software to finish our paper instead of writing by hand.

2 entertainments

We can enjoy many different songs on line and watch the latest or the oldest movies through computer. It is a wonderful to relax ourselves. 3 communications

Computer is a good tool to communicate with people.

We can make a phone call on the computer and it is very cheaper than using cell phone. Especially I study abroad, it is very convenient to use computer to connect my parents. We can always send e-mail or use messager to contact with our friends. It can save a lot of time.

五 当讲到物品,例如杂志,书籍,节目,经历,目标,通通都与English联系上 1 难 2 刻苦

3 修成正果 4重要性

I was impressed by an English novel very much. It is called proud and prejudice. You know, in the past, my English was very poor, so I start to read this English book to improve my English reading ability. after reading it, I found that not only i have a great progress in English, but also I was deeply attracted by its plot. It is very romantic and interesting story. Through this book, I learned a lot of customs of English people, especially the upper class, and also it seems that I can watch the beautiful scenery in England when I read this novel.


1 miss something you leave from your home town Miss the food and the historical cites

Transportation in my country

The most efficient transportation in my country is subway. There are two reasons as following. Firstly, subway can save our time a lot. There are a large number of

populations in my country, which results in the heavy traffic jam on the road. So subway is our best choice in our daily life. for example, I just only spend 15 minutes to go to school by subway, on the contrary, I need to spend at least 40 minutes to go there.

Secondly, subway can also save our money. taking subway is very cheap, on the contrary,




Well, in my opinion, I would definitely agree with the point that…… The first reason that I want to say is that…… Most importantly ……

So, that is why I choose……for the two reasons listed above.


1personally,basically, I think that… 表示倾向

I prefer to do something I’d rather……than…… 同意与否

I agree/disagree that……

I agree with the statement that…… I agree with the idea of doing……

万能话题 个人与集体 金钱与享受 效率与压力 传统与现代

答题提纲 A or B 选A

1 选A的好处1+ 选B的坏处1(一一对应) 2 选A的好处2+ 选B的坏处2

多用if句型 话题

1 Live alone vs. live with roommates Save money

Help with each other Practice English

2 Write paper vs. oral presentation

Improve writing skill is very important, because we need to write many paper in our university. And then, writing paper, we can correct them several times till we will be perfect. If you choose oral presentation, you can not have opportunity to revise.

3 Large city vs. small city


Transportation convenient

Many kinds of restaurants and many recreation facilities Easy to find jobs Variety culture

4 Eat at stands vs. eat at home

Do not know how to cook food and I think it is very boring and waste our time to buy the cooking resources in the market. So eat outside is a good choice for me.

There are different types of food you can choose if you eat outside, such as French food or Japanese sushi, they are very delicious and healthy. And the most important thing is that most of these food you can not cook at home by yourself.

5 Required to attend class vs. optional class Responsibility vs. very lazy

How to communicate with classmates

6 Internet class vs. traditional class Traditional class

When I have some questions in class, I can ask my classmates or my teacher, they will give me the answer immediately. The internet class can not provide this.

When we having the traditional class, our teacher would like to use his body language to describe some new terms, it is very vivid and we feel so interesting and are easy to understand. However, if we have the internet class, the screen only has several dull pictures and many words. I don’t like this at all.

特别提醒agree or disagree

It is always important to tell the truth?

I disagree with the idea that it is always important to tell the truth. There are two concrete examples as following.

Firstly, we need to have the white lie sometimes. For example, an old woman, over 80 years old, how can we have the heart to (忍心) tell the woman that her only child was death in a fire disaster? I think nobody would do this. And I would rather tell her that her son needs to earn a lot of money so he can not see her these days.

Secondly, I think sometimes we need to praise our friends even though they might be not very beautiful. For example, my workmate Ann has changed a new hair style, in fact, it is not very adapt to her, but in order to give her a beautiful day, I choose to praise to her.

第三题 对话综合题——不能有自己的观点 做题步骤:TSS原则 注意归纳

1 快速看文段,找出Topic sentence以及原因,简单列出 2 仔细听力,听出当事人的态度和与passage相反的原因 3 流利清楚的表达



According to the passage, the university want to …… because…… The school has implemented a new policy that…… due to ……


The man/woman holds a positive/negative view to this statement. First, Second, Third, 模板

In the reading material, there is a letter/notice/announcement about主题 And the school is going to主题+原因

According to the speaker, two students discuss about this announcement. The man/woman is against/supporting the new policy/notice. He/she gives 2/3 reasons. Firstly, he/she thinks…

Secondly, he/she points out that…

Therefore, he/she agrees/disagrees with this opinion.

第五题 问题解决方案 1分钟内

1 清楚地陈述问题和解决方案(35-40s)核心 2 选择容易提供支持的解决方案

3 选的方案应是选A能够推翻B (A的好处和B的坏处) 4 尽量参考自己的笔记 5 特意用linker

According to the speaker, the man meet a problem, the woman provides …solution. The first… the second… I prefer the…

一 描述问题和解决方案 1 the problem is that…

2 the man/woman’s problem is… 3 the woman/man has a problem with

二 复述建议

1 the man/woman suggests that

2 the man/woman’s first suggestion is that… the second … 3 the woman/man advises that


1 I think the man should follow the woman’s first suggestion because… 2 I like the man’s first idea because…

3 I think the woman’s second suggestion is better, because… 4 I also recommend that the woman…



The problem is that…according to the … one solution is to…another possibility is to… I think that the best solution is to…because…/it seems to me that…is the best solution because… Also…

The conversation is about a problem that…

The man tells… to …but …then he suggests that…but…

I suggest that…I think this is better than the other option because… I have had a similar experience…so I …

第四题 学术总论阐述题 1 概念---例子

2 设计学术场景 }问题形式 3 难度较高

材料特点 reading 1 给lecture提供背景

2 阅读和听力是总分关系,或反驳关系 3 以听力为核心 4 不发表自己看法 5 用linker

6 用man and woman代表


The reading discusses…… which means that…… In other words,…… The reading says…… In addition……

The professor talks about two examples of……

One example is…… So……is the example of ……Because……

The other example is……like the reading said……So……is an example of ……too.

1点出理论+ 解释理论(十分重要) } 两种情况 分点解释

2 点出听力内容 according to the professor, he provides… + 点出例子 one example to illustrate this theory

+ 提出听力与阅读的相关性so this example proves the…theory.

第六题 纯听 总分关系 1 听professor讲lecture 2 总结 3 准备20s



1 理论---应用 2 现象---解释

3 问题---解决方案 4 流程---功能 回答

1 清楚地讲讲座的主题(核心)解释主题,例子 2 参看听力笔记 3 linker 4 化难为简


The lecture is about_主题_ The main idea is that_解释主题_. The definition of……is…… For example……but……For example…… In summary…… 模板二

According to the lecture…….

First内容一, for example 例子一 Second内容二,for example例子二 Therefore,……in conclusion.


